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alert - warning

Ready.gov is being updated to comply with President Trump's Executive Orders. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Financial Preparedness

Graphics depicting financial preparedness. 

Ilustración de una mujer de pie frente a una casa dañada. Las burbujas de pensamiento la representan pensando en ahorrar dinero para una emergencia, escribir un cheque y luego ser cubierta por un paraguas durante una tormenta junto a la misma casa reparada. Ahorre el 10% de ingresos y este preparado para una emergencia ...
Save 10 percent [Spanish]

Illustration of a woman standing in front of a damaged home. Thought bubbles depict her thinking about saving money for an emergency, writing a check and later being covered by an umbrella during a storm standing next to the same house repaired. Save 10% of income and be prepared for an emergency...
Save 10 percent

 Illustration of a girl saving money in a piggy bank, then later using that money to buy an umbrella, then using that umbrella under the rain. Have an emergency rainy day fund. You never know when it may pour...
Rainy day fund

Ilustración de una niña que ahorra dinero en una alcancía, luego usa ese dinero para comprar un paraguas y luego usa ese paraguas bajo la lluvia. Tenga siempre un fondo de emergencias, nunca sabe cuando puede necesitarlo...
Rainy day fund [Spanish]

Illustration of a hand putting a coin into a bright pink piggy bank. Be prepared for the unexpected, maintain emergency savings.
Emergency savings

Illustration of a hand putting a coin into a bright pink piggy bank. Be prepared for the unexpected, maintain emergency savings.
Emergency savings

Graphic image of a piggy bank and blank sheets of paper representing important household docments on a tan background with dark blue wording and a Ready logo. Financial preparedness. For more tips visit www.ready.gov.
Financial preparedness

Graphic image of a piggy bank and blank sheets of paper representing important household docments on a tan background with dark blue wording and a Ready logo. Financial preparedness. For more tips visit www.ready.gov.
Financial preparedness

Picture of a red ethernet cord plugged into a cloud shaped plug cover on a blue wall, representing a cloud in the sky. Keep a copy of important documents uploaded to the cloud. #BeInformed
Upload to the Cloud

Picture of a red ethernet cord plugged into a cloud shaped plug cover on a blue wall, representing a cloud in the sky. Keep a copy of important documents uploaded to the cloud. #BeInformed
Upload to the Cloud

Graphic image of four brightly covered books with a camera sitting on top of the stack, against a green background. Snap photos of important documents and save them online. #BeInformed
Take photos of documents

 Graphic image of four brightly covered books with a camera sitting on top of the stack, against a green background. Snap photos of important documents and save them online. #BeInformed
Take photos of documents

Last Updated: 05/12/2021

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