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Life Saving Skills Graphics

Graphic image of an emergency supply kit. Text reads: Get your power outage kit together. At least a three day supply of food, water and medications, first aid kit, spare batteries, flashlight, battery/hand-crank powered radio, battery/solar powered phone charger.
Get Your Power Outage Kit Together

Graphic image of a house and many of its contents. Text reads are you prepared for a power outage? Battery/solar powered phone charger, At least a three day supply of food water and medications, spare batteries, battery/hand crank powered radio, first aid kit, flashlight.
Are You Prepared for a Power Outage?

Think ahead, have a plan, be prepared for an emergency. Create and practice family communication plan. Know evacuation routes. Pay attention to alerts and warnings. Is a safe meeting place and carry needed medication. Back up important documents and keep them in a safe place
Think Ahead, Have a Plan

Think ahead, have a plan, be prepared for an emergency. Create and practice family communication plan. Pay attention to alerts and warnings. Know evacuation routes. Back up important documents and keep them in a safe place. Choose a safe meeting place to end carry needed medication
Think ahead, have a plan

Fires don't think ahead but you can. Be prepared, pay attention to local alerts and warnings, know escape routes, install smoke alarms and test them monthly
Fires Don't Think Ahead

A senior citizen who has a walking cane is in a dark room, with his pet. The man is shining a flashlight on emergency supplies he has gathered. Are you prepared for a power outage? Prepare by having a flashlight, a battery/solar-powered phone charger, a first aid kit, a battery/hand-crank powered radio, a spare battery, and at least a 3-day supply of food, water, and medications.
Power Outage

A pregnant woman has a thought bubble showing emergency preparedness actions. Think ahead, have a plan, and be prepared for any emergency. Know evacuation routes, pay attention to alerts and warnings, create and practice a family communication plan, back up important documents and keep them in a safe place, and choose a safe meeting place and carry needed medications.
Plan for an Emergencies

A carbon monoxide detector is sounding an alarm inside of a home. A woman has taken her pet outside to keep it safe. It is snowing outside, but she is taking proper actions after a gas leak. Natural gas keeps you warm, but it can also cause harm. Know how to shut off the gas, immediately go outside and call 911 if there is a leak, and have carbon monoxide detectors on every floor.
Natural Gas

A woman is sitting on the sofa with her cat in the living room. Another woman in the same room is taking actions to prevent fires. Prevent fires, fix these electrical problems. Never plug a power strip into another power strip, untangle cords, remove cords from under rugs, and replace frayed wires.
Prevent Electrical Fires

Fires don’t think ahead, but you can. A large flame with a thought bubble thinking about burning is shown. Next to it is a man standing in the same room holding a little girl’s hand. A thought bubble above his head shows him think ahead about being prepared, installing smoke alarms and testing them monthly, knowing escape routes, and paying attention to local alerts and warnings.
Think Ahead of Fires

A girl in the rain is holding an umbrella and piggy bank. Her thought bubbles show her putting money in her piggy bank and using the money to buy an umbrella. Have an emergency rainy day fund. You never know when it may pour.
Rainy Day Fund

A boy has two ways to exit a kitchen as a fire alarm sounds. Paths lead to a window to a fire escape and a door. Do you know two ways out? Be ready for an emergency.
Do You Know Two Ways Out?

A woman stands outside her damaged home and yard. Her first thought bubble shows some of her monthly income going to an emergency savings from January to December to grow a rainy day fund. The second bubble is her writing a check for her hazard insurance deductible. The third bubble is of her in the rain next to her fixed home and yard. Save money and be prepared for an emergency.
Save Money And Be Prepared For An Emergency

Last Updated: 03/10/2025

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