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National Preparedness Month Graphics

You can find social media graphics for National Preparedness Month from 2022 and previous years, on this page in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Korean and Vietnamese. 

Một gia đình Việt Nam ngồi quây quần bên nhau. Tháng chuẩn bị cho quốc gia.
NPM Vietnamese Twitter

Một gia đình Việt Nam ngồi quây quần bên nhau. Tháng chuẩn bị cho quốc gia.
NPM Vietnamese Instagram

Một gia đình Việt Nam ngồi quây quần bên nhau. Tháng chuẩn bị cho quốc gia.
NPM Vietnamese Facebook

Imagen de un niño en silla de ruedas y una niña con síndrome de down. Mes Nacional de Preparación.
People with Disabilities Twitter Spanish

Imagen de un niño en silla de ruedas y una niña con síndrome de down. Mes Nacional de Preparación.
People with Disabilities Instagram Spanish

Picture of a boy in a wheelchair and a girl with down syndrome. National Preparedness Month.
People with Disabilities Twitter

Picture of a boy in a wheelchair and a girl with down syndrome. National Preparedness Month.
People with Disabilities Instagram

Imagen de un niño en silla de ruedas y una niña con síndrome de down. Mes Nacional de Preparación.
People with Disabilities Facebook Spanish

Picture of a boy in a wheelchair and a girl with down syndrome. National Preparedness Month.
People with Disabilities Facebook

Two women wearing rainbow shirts hug. National Preparedness Month.
NPM LGBTQ Instagram

Dos mujeres con camisas de arcoíris se abrazan. Mes Nacional de Preparación.
NPM LGBTQ Instagram Spanish

Dos mujeres con camisas de arcoíris se abrazan. Mes Nacional de Preparación.
NPM LGBTQ Twitter Spanish

Two women wearing rainbow shirts hug. National Preparedness Month.

Two women wearing rainbow shirts hug. National Preparedness Month.
NPM LGBTQ Facebook

Un hijo abraza a su padre por detrás. Mes Nacional de Preparación.
NPM Latino Twitter Spanish

Tres generaciones de mujeres en una familia están juntas. Mes Nacional de Preparación.
NPM Latino Facebook Spanish

Tres generaciones de mujeres en una familia están juntas. Mes Nacional de Preparación.
NPM Latino Instagram Spanish

Un hijo abraza a su padre por detrás. Mes Nacional de Preparación.
NPM Latino Facebook Spanish

Tres generaciones de mujeres en una familia están juntas. Mes Nacional de Preparación.
NPM Latino Facebook Spanish

Un hijo abraza a su padre por detrás. Mes Nacional de Preparación.
NPM Latino Instagram

Three generations of women in a family stand together. National Preparedness Month.
NPM Latino Twitter

Three generations of women in a family stand together. National Preparedness Month.
NPM Latino Instagram

Three generations of women in a family stand together. National Preparedness Month.
NPM Latino Facebook

A son hugs his father from behind. National Preparedness Month.
NPM Latino Twitter

NPM Latino Facebook

Last Updated: 08/31/2023

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