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Ready.gov is being updated to comply with President Trump's Executive Orders. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

#WinterReady Safety Graphics

A collection of winter weather safety graphics.
When it's freezing, limit time outdoors.
Limit Time Outdoors When it's Freezing

When it's freezing, check on your neighbors.
Check on Neighbors

When it's freezing, check on your neighbors.
Check on Neighbors

Illustration of three people in winter clothes carrying large gift boxes through the snow. A wooden sign includes the text Give the Gift of Warmth. Want to help those you love keep warm? Consider giving: warm winter clothes, blankets and throws, portable heaters. Illustration includes #WinterReady hashtag and Ready logos.
#WinterReady Gift of Warmth (Square)

Ilustración de tres personas vestidas de invierno cargando grandes cajas de regalo a través de la nieve. Un cartel de madera incluye el texto Regala calidez. ¿Quieres ayudar a tus seres queridos a mantenerse calientes? Considere regalar: ropa abrigada de invierno, mantas y mantas, calentadores portátiles. La ilustración incluye el hashtag #WinterReady y los logotipos Ready.
#WinterReady Gift of Warmth (Square) (Spanish)

Protéjase contra incendios este invierno al calentar su hogar. Mantenga las puertas de la estufa de leña cerradas a menos que esté añadiendo leña o gránulos de madera, o avivando el fuego.
#WinterReady Wood Stove Safety (Spanish)

Animation of a lit wood-burning stove. Text: Stay fire safe this winter as you heat your home. Keep wood stove doors closed unless adding wood or pellets or stoking the fire.
#WinterReady Wood Stove Safety

Nunca use un horno o estufa para calentar su hogar.
#WinterReady Never Heat with an Oven (Spanish)

Animation of an oven opening. Text: Never use and oven or stovetop to heat your home.
#WinterReady Never Heat with an Oven

Use la chimenea de manera segura. Siempre use una pantalla de metal o de vidrio resistente al calor cuando use la chimenea.
#WinterReady Fireplace Safety (Spanish)

Animation of a fireplace. Text: always use your fireplace safely. Always use a metal or heat-tempered screen when using your fireplace. FEMA, USFA, Fire is Everyone’s Fight logos. #WinterReady hashtag.
#WinterReady Fireplace Safety

Illustration of a chimney sweep on a roof using a brush to clean a chimney. Text: Have chimneys and vents cleaned and inspected by a qualified professional at least once a year.
#WinterReady Have Chimneys Cleaned

Illustration of a space heater with a circle and arrows indicating a three-foot space around it. Text: All heaters need space. Keep anything that can burn at least three feet from heating equipment.
#WinterReady Heat Home Safely

Caliente su casa de una forma segura. Mantenga cosas que se puedan quemar a 3 pies de distancia de una chimenea, estufa de madera o de un calentador.
#WinterReady Heat Home Safely (Spanish)

Enchufe los calentadores de ambiente directamente a los tomacorrientes de pared. Nunca use una extensión o enchufe múltiple.
#WinterReady Plug Heaters into Outlets (Spanish)

Illustration of a space heater plugged into a wall outlet. Text: place space heaters directly into wall outlets. Never use an extension cord or power strip.
#WinterReady Plug Heaters into Outlets

Imagen de un calentador portátil “Caliente su casa de una forma segura. Mantenga cosas que se puedan quemar a 3 pies de distancia de una chimenea, estufa de madera o de un calentador”.
#WinterReady Heaters Need Space (Spanish)

Illustration of a space heater with a circle and arrows indicating a three-foot space around it. Text: All heaters need space. Keep anything that can burn at least three feet from heating equipment.
#WinterReady Heaters Need Space

Pídale a un profesional calificado que limpie e inspeccione las chimeneas y conductos de ventilación por lo menos una vez al año.
#WinterReady Have Chimneys Cleaned (Spanish)

Manténgase a salvo mientras usa la calefacción en su hogar#WinterReady El gráfico muestra una chimenea con extintor de incendios.
Stay Safe When Heating Your Home (Spanish)(Square)

Stay Safe When Heating Your Home #WinterReady Graphic shows a fireplace with fire extinguisher.
Stay Safe When Heating Your Home (Square)

Manténgase a salvo mientras usa la calefacción en su hogar#WinterReady El gráfico muestra una chimenea con extintor de incendios.
Stay Safe When Heating Your Home (Spanish)(Instagram Story)

Stay Safe When Heating Your Home #WinterReady Graphic shows a fireplace with fire extinguisher.
Stay Safe When Heating Your Home (Instagram Story)

Evite conducir si los funcionarios locales así lo indican. Si debe salir, ¡conduzca despacio! #WinterReady
Stay off the Road (Spanish)(Square)

Stay off the roads if directed by local officials. If you must go out, SLOW DOWN! #WinterReady
Stay off the Road (Square)

Last Updated: 03/10/2025

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