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Ready.gov se está actualizando para cumplir con las Órdenes Ejecutivas del Presidente Trump. Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.


FEMA, our partners, universities, and other youth preparedness leaders across the nation invest in research across many sectors to help the adults that live and work with youth more holistically incorporate their needs in emergency management. For a short overview of current research and initiatives, check out the Youth Preparedness Fact Sheet, below. Use Bringing Youth Preparedness to the Forefront: A Literature Review and Recommendations to gain a deeper understanding of the research and even to inspire your own. Finally, visit Ready.gov/research to learn more about our preparedness research initiatives.

Downloadable Resources

Bringing Youth Preparedness to the Forefront: A Literature Review and Recommendations

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Youth Preparedness Fact Sheet

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Last Updated: 12/14/2022

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