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Extreme Heat Safety Social Media Toolkit

How to Use this Toolkit

The Extreme Heat Safety Social Media Toolkit has safety and preparedness messages you can share on your social media channels. You can either copy these messages directly or customize them to reach your audience.

What you should know about extreme heat safety

  • Know what to do before, during, and after extreme heat.
  • Create a communications plan with your family before extreme heat hits.
  • Have emergency supplies in place at home, at work, and in the car.
  • Pay attention to local officials.

Graphics & Related Content

For more engaging content, include graphics with social media posts. 

Social Media Messaging

Heat Safety & Risk

  • Follow @NWS for heat advisories & excessive heat warnings so you can #BeatTheHeat this summer.
  • Do you know the difference between a Heat Outlook, Watch, & Warning? Learn them today: https://www.weather.gov/safety/heat #BeatTheHeat
  • Stay safe from the heat by drinking a lot of water, staying indoors, & calling 911 if you see someone suffering from a heat emergency: www.ready.gov/heat #BeatTheHeat
  • When a child's temp reaches 107 degrees-they die. Call 911 & act fast if you see a child in danger.  #HeatStrokeKills
  • Heat Wave: Prolonged period of excessive heat, often with excessive humidity: https://www.weather.gov/safety/heat. #BeatTheHeat
  • Listen to local weather forecasts to prepare for extreme heat. #BeatTheHeat
  • Extreme heat makes the body work extra hard to maintain a normal temperature. Know the facts & prepare: www.ready.gov/heat. #HeatSafety
  • Each year approximately 175 Americans die from extreme heat. Get the 411 on #HeatSafety www.ready.gov/heat.
  • Did you know that urban residences are at greater risk of the effects of prolonged #heat than rural and suburban residences? www.ready.gov/heat #HeatSafety

Stay Indoors

  • Roughly 40% of unwanted heat buildup in our homes is through windows. Use awnings or curtains to keep the heat out! #BeatTheHeat
  • #BeatTheHeat by staying indoors and in the shade. More tips for the entire family on www.ready.gov/kids/know-the-facts/extreme-heat #BeatTheHeat this summer!
  • Tip: Check the weather stripping on doors and windows to keep the cool air in. #BeatTheHeat
  • Extreme heat can often lead to #blackouts. Don't be in the dark, learn how to prepare at: www.ready.gov/power-outage #HeatSafety
  • Fans alone aren’t enough in high heat + high humidity. Get inside in A/C or go to a public place like the library, museum or shopping mall to #BeatTheHeat
  • During extreme heat, stay indoors as much as possible and limit exposure to the sun. www.ready.gov/heat #BeatTheHeat
  • Enter your zip code at www.211.org to find cooling-off centers near you! #SummerSafety #BeatTheHeat
  • Contact your local Office of Emergency Management to find a cooling-off center near you. #BeatTheHeat

Reduce Heat Impact

  • In extreme heat, dress in loose-fitting, lightweight, and light-colored clothes. Avoid dark colors because they absorb the sun’s rays. #BeatTheHeat
  • Check on your pets frequently to ensure they are safe during extreme heat. #BeatTheHeat
  • Keep strenuous activity to a minimum during the hottest parts of the day (11am-2pm) and use a buddy system! #SummerSafety
  • #BeatTheHeat tip: Check on seniors, people who are ill or may need extra help frequently.
  • Make sure you drink LOTS of water to stay hydrated and prevent dehydration, heat stroke & more. #SummerSafety
  • During extreme heat drink plenty of water, even if you don't feel thirsty. #HeatSafety
  • Got heat cramps? Rest in a cool place & drink a beverage containing electrolytes and sodium, like a sports drink. #BeatTheHeat
  • Recognize when someone is suffering from dehydration or heat stroke & act quickly! Learn the signs: https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat/index.html #SummerSafety
  • Here’s a sizzling summer tip - Get trained in first aid to learn how to treat heat-related emergencies! #SummerSafety
  • Have you ever experienced the "urban heat island effect?" Learn more about #HeatSafety and how to prepare at www.ready.gov/heat
  • Video: #HeatSafety information and tips in American Sign Language https://youtu.be/0DZFOJowvb8    
  • #BeatTheHeat by making water your beverage of choice during extreme heat over soda to prevent dehydration.
  • During extreme heat, check on family, friends, and neighbors who do not have air conditioning and who spend much of their time alone. #SummerSafety
  • High heat and humidity cause the body to work extra hard to maintain a normal temperature. Stay indoors with air conditioning. More tips at www.ready.gov/heat #HeatSafety
  • Too hot to play outside?  www.ready.gov/kids offers plenty of games and activities that will help children learn and prepare for emergencies as they play! #SummerSafety

Car Safety

  • NEVER leave children or pets alone in hot vehicles! Heat can rise in a car, up to 20 degrees in just 10 minutes! #BeatTheHeat
  • Even with the windows rolled down, only minutes in a hot car can be deadly for your pet! NEVER leave your pets in the car!  #PetPreparedness  #HeatSafety
  • If you see a kid in a hot car- act fast! You could save a life! #HeatstrokeKills #HeatSafety
  • Heat related deaths ARE preventable! Look before you lock! http://www.weather.gov/heat

Last Updated: 03/20/2025

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