September marks National Preparedness Month, the annual campaign to remind everyone that preparing for emergencies and disasters can keep them, their families and their communities safe.
The resources and information shared during National Preparedness Month and on Ready.gov can be used by anyone at any time to get prepared for whatever may come their way., The Ready Campaign aims to ensure all our friends and neighbors have the tools they need to prepare for disasters and build resilience before disaster strikes.
2024 PSA: “Start a Conversation”
Talking about bad things that could happen like a disaster or emergency isn’t always easy. We may think we’re protecting the people we love by avoiding these conversations, but they are important to start taking steps to get ready and stay safe.
Starting a conversation today can help you and your family to take more actions to prepare. By taking simple steps, you can build your preparedness at your own pace:
- Set aside a time when everyone is calm and relaxed.
- It may help to hold the discussions over a set time period, so decisions aren’t rushed, and people feel more comfortable talking about the topic.
- Talk about steps you’ve taken to prepare and encourage others to ask questions about preparedness actions that might work for them.
Previous Years
2023 PSA: Take Control in 1, 2, 3
The Ready Campaign’s 2023 National Preparedness Month PSA was “Take Control in 1, 2, 3”
- Assess your needs: First, know your risk. Then, understand your needs during emergencies. This section guides you through a self-assessment process to identify your specific needs so that you can create a personalized emergency plan.
- Make a plan: Develop a comprehensive emergency plan and emergency preparedness kit tailored to your unique needs, including pets. This section ensures you are well prepared to respond to various emergency scenarios.
- Engage support networks: Build a strong support network and include them in your emergency planning. This section provides recommendations for how you can engage your family, friends, caregivers, neighbors, fellow congregants from your place of worship, and others who can assist you during an emergency.
More Information
- National Preparedness Month Social Media Toolkit
- 2023 National Preparedness Month Social Media Graphics
- National Preparedness Month Social Media Graphics (Past years)
- National Preparedness Month Animated Graphics
- Take Control in 1, 2, 3—Disaster Preparedness Guide for Older Adults
- 2023 National Preparedness Month Congressional Co-Chairs
- 2023 NPM Congressional Co-Chairs Graphics
2022 PSA: A Lasting Legacy

The life you’ve built is worth protecting. Prepare for disasters to create a lasting legacy for you and your family.
More Information
- National Preparedness Month Social Media Toolkit
- National Preparedness Month Social Media Graphics
- National Preparedness Month Animated Graphics
- 2022 National Preparedness Month Congressional Co-Chairs
- 2022 NPM Congressional Co-Chairs Graphics
- Preserve Your Legacy: Howard University (:60)
- Build a Kit
- Build a Kit (Spanish)
- Make a Plan
- Make a Plan (Spanish)
- Protect Family and Property
- Protect Family and Property (Spanish)
- Teaching Youth
- Teaching Youth (Spanish)
2021 PSA: Prepare to Protect

Making a plan to prepare for disasters is the best way to protect your family.