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A child's hands playing with the prepare with pedro game

Prepare with Pedro

Pedro is a penguin who loves learning about how he can be prepared and take action during an emergency to help stay safe. He visits friends all over the United States and learns about hazards local to their area like earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and many others! 

Disaster Preparedness Activity Book

Prepare with Pedro

Prepare with Pedro is a free youth preparedness program created by the American Red Cross, and we are proud to partner with them to offer the Prepare with Pedro: Disaster Preparedness Activity Book. This resource is designed to teach young children and their families how to stay safe during disasters and emergencies through fun activities such as crosswords, coloring pages, matching games, and more!

The activity book is available for digital download in six different languages and available to order in English and Spanish for free from the FEMA warehouse.

Prepare with Pedro: An Adventure in Emergency Preparedness Game

Pedro Game Cover

As a companion to the popular 2018 publication Prepare with Pedro: Disaster Preparedness Activity Book, FEMA and American Red Cross partnered to create a new game “Prepare with Pedro: An Adventure in Emergency Preparedness” and “Super-Prepared Penguin Expansion Pack.” Children can play this fun game on their own, with a friend, with a grown-up or at school! As they play, they will learn how to identify different disasters, including disasters in their area, and how to prepare before and stay safe during a disaster. Download below or order here.

Prepare with Pedro: Hazard Storybooks

The American Red Cross and FEMA are releasing a series of storybooks that feature Pedro the penguin as he goes on adventures and learns how to be prepared for and take action during emergencies. Follow Pedro as he navigates what to do before, during, and after a specific hazard – empowering children ages five to eight to be preparedness advocates for themselves, their families, and their communities.

More Resources Coming Soon

We’re excited to bring you additional Prepare with Pedro resources in the future! In the meantime, please visit redcross.org/pedro for additional Prepare with Pedro hazard storybooks available for digital download.

Interested in Ordering Free Copies?

Free printed copies are available through the FEMA Publications Warehouse. To order free publications, visit the online ordering platform for preparedness materials. You may also call for assistance.

Order from Warehouse

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Last Updated: 02/14/2025

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