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Ready.gov is being updated to comply with President Trump's Executive Orders. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

a family making a plan

Family Emergency Planning

Some disasters strike without any warning, and family members may not all be in the same place. How will you get in touch with each other? Where will you meet? How will you get out of your house in case of a fire? What if your neighborhood is being evacuated? It's important to make a plan, now, so that you will know what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate in an emergency.

Close up of someone completing a kids emergency plan.

Prepare Now

Make a plan now so that you will know what to do and how to communicate in an emergency.

Make a Plan

a family building an emergency supply kit

Build a Kit

Build an emergency supply kit with enough food, water and supplies to last for several days.

Build a Kit

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Financial Preparedness

Learn to financially prepare your family in case of disaster or emergency.

Learn more

Last Updated: 12/11/2023

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