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Cars floating in flood water


Words to Know

Am I at Risk?

What Can I Do?

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Flooding is when a lot of water overflows onto land that is normally dry. It is the most common natural-weather event. Flooding can happen during heavy rains, when rivers overflow, when ocean waves come on the shore, when snow melts too fast, or when dams or levees break. Flooding may be only a few inches of water, or it may cover a house to the rooftop. Floods that happen very quickly are called flash floods. Floods can cause power outages, disrupt transportation, damage buildings, and create landslides.

Words to Know

Flash Flood - A flood that can happen in a few minutes or hours of heavy rainfall, dam/levee failure, or drains overflowing.

Flood Watch - A message that flooding is possible.

Flood Warning - A message that flooding will happen soon (if it hasn’t already).

Levee/Dam - A structure to contain or prevent water from overflowing and flooding an area.

Am I at Risk?

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Floods can happen in every U.S. state and territory. Some floods develop slowly, and some can happen in just a few minutes. People who live in low-lying areas (near water sources or at sea-level) are at even greater risk. Storms and hurricanes can cause flooding. Melting snow from mountains can also cause floods.

What Can I Do?


illustration of an emergency supply kit including water, cleaning supplies, a book, canned food and a flashlight.
  • Make a plan. Having a plan of what you and your family will do in the event of an emergency will help. 
  • Work with your parents to build an emergency kit with items that you will need if you have to evacuate quickly. 
  • Make a family communications plan.
  • Tell an adult if you hear about a flood warning on the TV or radio.
  • Help your family move important items to an upper floor. 


  • Pay attention to authorities and safety officials. If there is any possibility of a flash flood, move to higher ground or find shelter.
  • Do not walk, swim, drive or ride in a car through flood waters. Even six inches of moving water knock you off your feet. 
  • Stay off bridges over fast-moving water. Fast-moving water can wash bridges away without warning.


  • Do not touch electrical equipment if it is wet or if you are standing in water.
  • Stay away from flood water. Flood water may be contaminated, meaning containing dangerous substances.
  • Stay away from moving water. It can knock you off your feet.
  • Stay out of the way of emergency workers so they can do their job easily.
  • Know that it’s normal to feel anxious or stressed out. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. Take care of your body and talk with your parents or other trusted adults if you are feeling upset.

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Did you know?

Flooding can wash out walkways, roads, and fields, making them impossible to detect under flood water. Do not walk or ride in a car through water. It might be deeper than you think! A foot of water can sweep a vehicle off the road. Stay away from moving water!

Last Updated: 12/15/2023

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